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Please note: Information is tentative. However, we want to share as much information as possible so you can be informed and can plan ahead. Also, be sure to check out our Beach FAQs page.
Players/families that are 2020-21 indoor club members of The OC or 2020 beach club members (in good standing) of The OC Beach are eligible for discounted club fees.

2021 General Program Info
Program Dates
Late Mar/Early May to Mid-July
​Practice Location(s)
Collinsville Park (401 S. 19th St.)
Second location TBD (Owasso-area)
Practice Times
Options expected for morning and/or evening practices. Teams may choose their practice time(s) once practice schedule is released.
2021 Programs and Costs
The OC Beach club fees include costs associated with practices and training, including volleyball equipment, court space, facility equipment, coaches stipends and gear/equipment, and player gear package.
​​The OC Beach, for the 2021 season, may end up with a dual affiliation as part of necessary program activities. If that is the case, an additional membership may be required. Those are expected to be $25/player or less.
The OC Beach club fees do NOT include tournament fees, organization memberships, and player/family travel costs. Tournament fees will normally run about $30-50/player.
The OC Beach is also a proud partner of the Oklahoma JrH/HS Beach Championships in late July. A special signup program is expected to be available again in 2021 for those events.
The OC Beach ($279*/player)
Our most popular program from The OC Beach, our traditional doubles program for players wanting to participate in beach volleyball this summer, but have some other circumstances that prohibit going The OC Beach Elite route.
Players in this program will practice at least once a week, with the likely potential for a second practice depending on availability. Practices may be in the mornings or evenings (depending on choices offered and accepted), and will run from mid May until mid-July.
Those weeks where a player misses all practice opportunities because of other events (vacation, church camp, etc.) may be allowed to reschedule missed practices.
*$235/player for those eligible for discount
The OC Beach Elite ($379*/player)
The OC Beach Elite is our program for players that really love beach volleyball and want to maximize their time in the sand as well as their development in the beach volleyball game.
Players in The OC Beach Elite program will start practices after Spring Break (as weather and indoor club vb schedules permit), and can expect to practice multiple times per week throughout the summer months of the program. Practices may be in the mornings and/or evenings (depending on choices offered and accepted).
*$325/player for those eligible for discount
The OC Beach Limited ($179*/player + $15* per practice)
For those that need a "pay-as-you-go" option, The OC Beach is again offering The OC Beach Limited program, specifically designed for players that want to participate in beach volleyball, but may miss significant time due to other obligations.
Players pay a club fee of $179* to cover equipment and program costs, as well as their gear package. A per-practice fee of $15* is then paid for each practice a player attends. There is no limit to the # of practices a player may attend with The OC Beach Limited program.
*$145/player + $12/practice for those eligible for discount
Boys Teams (Tulsa Boys Volleyball Club)
With ongoing changes from both USAVolleyball and OKRVA to promote growth of the sport, the expectation is that there will be even more opportunities for boys to participate in beach volleyball.
Boys interested in beach volleyball should inquire with Tulsa Boys Volleyball Club, our partner club specializing in boys volleyball.
Other Info
The OC Beach allows players to pre-select partners (with club approval) before the program begins and join the program with the team already formed. Players may also join the program without a partner in place, as the club will assist with partner placement. Doubles teams have the responsibility of coordinating with The OC Beach staff to select their tournaments for the 2021 season. There is no limit to the number of tournaments a team elects to participate in; however, a coach may not be able to attend all tournaments (coaches are not required for beach volleyball entries). Some tournaments may be outside of the Tulsa metro area, and thus will have travel obligations.