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The OC Club Assistance Program


While there are so, so many wonderful benefits to participating in club volleyball, one thing that becomes a significant hurdle for some players and their families is the financial resources that club volleyball requires.


We at The OC always strive to keep our costs as reasonable as we can, while making sure we provide a quality program for our players, staff, and families involved.  However, with almost any club volleyball program, the significant cost of participating can at times result in very worthy individuals missing out on the club volleyball experience and all of the benefits (both on and off the court) it gives.


With the help of some very generous families, as well as some other club projects, we are pleased to offer our Club Assistance Program (CAP), which is designed to offer those that would otherwise miss out on the club volleyball experience some assistance with the financial resource requirements.


See below for guidelines for the program, as well as instructions on how to apply for a sponsorship award.  Please note that CAP awards will not exceed 40% of the club fees costs of any participant (barring extenuating circumstances).

General Information


  • Program will offer financial assistance to families at the sole discretion of the sponsors though a need-based evaluation system.

  • The number and amount of the awards will be based on available funds.

  • The maximum award available to applicants is 40% of club fees, barring extenuating circumstances.

  • Every effort will be made to give fair treatment to all member applicants from The OC.

  • Individual must be a current member in good standing with The OC, OKRVA, and USAV.

  • Individual must provide proof of passing grades in all school subjects.

  • Individual may be required to participate in either fundraising activities and/or service opportunities within The OC Volleyball Club.

  • Any awards will be applied directly to the recipient’s account as determined by the sponsor(s).

  • Applicant information will remain confidential.


To Apply


  • Complete the Club Assistance Program information/Application form.

  • Submit a letter from parent or guardian stating their financial situation and potential needs.

  • Submit documentation to confirm passing grades.

  • Submit a letter from the player as to why volleyball is important to them.


All applications due on/prior to the due date of the first payment (Nov) unless otherwise stated.

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