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OC Volleyball Club
OC Beach Volleyball
OC Volleyball Club
OC Volleyball Club
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The OC Littles Online Registration
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The OC Littles
Registration Instructions:
Fill out all information below and click on "Submit";
Payment: Three Options
Those wanting to pay by credit card will have an online invoice sent to the contact e-mail;
Those wanting to pay via CashApp or Venmo will have instructions sent to the contact e-mail;
Those wanting to pay via cash or check should bring payment to February 8th session.​
Check the e-mail address you registered with for a confirmation e-mail.
Register or renew player membership with OKRVA for Spring 2021 session (instructions below).
Print off a Medical Release Form (below), complete, and bring to first session.
Spring 2021 Session
Fees - $159*
Mondays, 6:00-7:15pm
Starts February 8th, runs 8-9 sessions
All events held at Claremore Rec Center
595 Veterans Pkwy, Claremore
*Participants must also be registered with OKRVA, which is $10 for league membership. (Look for The OC Littles option.)
Click here and here for account creation and membership addition instructions.
Then go to the OKRVA Registration page to register or renew. The Littles option will be under "League".
All participants should complete a hard copy of the Medical Release Form and submit to The OC.
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