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Please note: Information is tentative, and will depend on a variety of factors. However, we want to share as much information as possible so you can be informed and can plan ahead.
Teams and Costs (Tentative)
Costs are inclusive with the exception of USAV registration (approx. $50), tryout fee ($40), travel costs*, and team coolers. While we are not the least expensive choice for club volleyball, we believe in keeping our team sizes smaller than many other clubs so that players have a better opportunity for playing time. Since costs for each team are divided by the number of players, the smaller rosters increase the per-player costs to an extent.
*new for 2017-18, no separate coaches reimbursements will be calculated on a tournament-by-tournament basis. Funding for those expenses are now included in the club fees.
Regional Teams
Regional teams will practice twice a week, most likely one weekday evening practice and one weekend practice (except for tournament weekends and select holidays). Regional teams will also be scheduled for 6-8 tournaments during the club season, including OKRVA Regionals in early May (excludes 18s). Some tournaments will be out of the Tulsa metro area, and may have travel requirements. Projected costs for 2017-18 are:
18s - $1795/season or less
17s/16s/15s - $1925/season or less
14s/13s - $1695/season or less
12s - $1465/season or less
Metro Teams
Metro teams are tentatively scheduled to practice once a week, mostly likely Sunday afternoon or evening (except for tournament weekends and select holidays). Metro teams will also be scheduled for about 3-5 tournaments during the club season. Some tournaments may be out of the Tulsa metro area and may have travel requirements.
Metro teams are intended for those that want to improve as volleyball players and participate in club volleyball, but may not have the resources (be it time, financial, etc.) to commit to our full club experience. Metro teams will try to accommodate those players that may also be participating in other sports during the club volleyball season. Projected costs for 2017-18 are:
Metro 18 (and younger) - $1295/season or less
Metro 15 (and younger) - $1295/season or less
Metro 13 (and younger) - $1175/season or less
Boys Teams
Boys teams are tentatively scheduled to practice once a week, mostly likely Sunday afternoon or evening (except for tournament weekends and select holidays). Boys teams will also be scheduled for about 3-5 tournaments during the club season, including OKRVA Regionals. Some tournaments may be out of the Tulsa metro area and may have travel requirements.
We anticipate that the boys participating in club volleyball with us will also be participating on other sports or activities. We want to encourage that for ALL of our athletes (boys and girls). Projected costs for 2017-18 are:
HS Boys - $995/season or less (updated 10/14)
JrH Boys - $815/season or less (updated 10/14)
Payment Options
The OC Volleyball Club will offer 2 payment options for the 2017-18 season. Please note: Actual club fees will vary by team. Amounts used below are for illustration purposes only.
Option 1
Full payment due at signing. A full payment, made on time, will also be offered a discount of 6%.
Example: Club Fees of $1,640.00 for a 14s team will be discounted to $1,541.60 if paid in full at signing.
Example: Club Fees of $1,190.00 for an 18s Metro team will be discounted to $1,118.60 if paid in full aty signing.
Option 2
Deposit due at signing, with 3 additional payments due on the 5th day of Jan/Feb/Mar. The 3 additional payments, if made on time, will also be offered a discount of 6%.
Example: Club Fees of $1,640.00 for a 14s team with a deposit of $640.01 due at signing. The 3 additional payments of $333.33 will be discounted to $313.33 if received on time. (Total of all payments: $1,580.00)
Example: Club Fees of $1,190.00 for an 18s Metro team with a deposit of $550.01 due at signing. The 3 additional payments of $213.33 will be discounted to $200.53 if received on time. (Total of all payments: $1,151.60)