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Please note: Information is tentative. However, we want to share as much information as possible so you can be informed and can plan ahead. Also, be sure to check out our Beach FAQs page.
New for 2019, The OC Beach is tentatively planning to offer morning practice options.
Players/families that are 2018-19 indoor club members (in good standing) of The OC Volleyball Club will again be eligible for discounted club fees for The OC Beach.

2019 General Program Info
Program Dates
Mid-May to Mid-July (open courts in April)
Practice Location
Collinsville Park
401 S 19th St, Collinsville OK
Boys may have other venue
Practice Times
Options for morning and/or evening practices expected to be offered. Teams may choose their practice time(s) once practice schedule is released.
2019 Programs and Costs
The OC Beach club fees include costs associated with practices and training, including volleyball equipment, court space, facility equipment, coaches stipends and gear/equipment, and player gear package (consisting of a backpack, sand socks, and water bottle). Tournament travel cost reimbursements for coaches are ALSO included in club fees.
​​The OC Beach club fees do NOT include tournament fees , OKRVA membership (required), and player/family travel costs. Tournament fees will normally run about $30-45/player. An OKRVA summer membership ($15 or less) is available for those without a current one (2018-19 indoor memberships DO carry over to the beach season).
The OC Beach in the past has provided usage of a uniform/jersey during the program season. We will try to offer jersey usage again in 2019, but are unable to guarantee jerseys for everyone due to extenuating circumstances. Jerseys are NOT required, but some tournaments will require partners to have matching attire. Ordering options for appropriate apparel is being provided.
Doubles Program - Limited
Doubles teams in the Limited Doubles program will practice at least once a week, with the potential for a second event depending on availability. Practices may be in the mornings or evenings (depending on choices offered and accepted), and will run from early-to-mid May until mid-July. Those weeks where a player misses their practice opportunity because of other events (vacation, church camp, etc.) may be allowed to reschedule missed practices. Projected costs for The OC Beach 2019 Limited doubles program is $259.00 (or less) per player for the season. Beach fees include costs for things such as team equipment, court rental fees, coaching stipends, coaching travel expenses, etc. Fees also include a gear package which includes a backpack, sand socks, and water bottle.
The OC Beach allows players to pre-select partners (with club approval) before the program begins and join the program with the team already formed. Players may also join the program without a partner in place, as the club will assist with partner placement. Doubles teams have the responsibility of coordinating with The OC Beach staff to select their tournaments for the 2019 season. There is no limit to the number of tournaments a team elects to participate in. Some tournaments may be outside of the Tulsa metro area, and thus will have travel obligations. Beach fees include backpack, sand socks, and water bottle.
Doubles Program - Unlimited
Doubles teams in the Unlimited Doubles program will practice multiple times per week. Practices may be in the mornings and/or evenings (depending on choices offered and accepted), and will run from early-to-mid May until mid-July. Projected costs for The OC Beach 2019 Unlimited beach doubles program is $359.00 (or less) per player for the season. Beach fees include costs for things such as team equipment, court rental fees, coaching stipends, coaching travel expenses, etc. Fees also include a gear package which includes a backpack, sand socks, and water bottle.
The OC Beach allows players to pre-select partners (with club approval) before the program begins and join the program with the team already formed. Players may also join the program without a partner in place, as the club will assist with partner placement. Teams have the responsibility of coordinating with The OC Beach staff to select their tournaments for the 2019 season. There is no limit to the number of tournaments a team elects to participate in. Some tournaments may be outside of the Tulsa metro area, and thus will have travel obligations.
Boys Teams
With ongoing changes from both USAVolleyball and OKRVA to promote growth of the sport, the expectation is that there will be even more opportunities for boys to participate in beach volleyball. The costs for participating boys is expected to be slightly lower than the girls ($229-329) due to fewer tournament options.
Boys teams may also have practices at another venue, depending on the ages of the players.
Payment Options
The OC Beach will offer 2 payment options for the 2019 season. Amounts used below may be for illustration purposes only.
Option 1
Full payment due at signing. A full payment, made at signing, will also be offered a discount of 6%.
Example: Club Fees of $259.00 for a player in the Limited Doubles program will be discounted to $243.46 if paid in full at signing.
Option 2
Deposit due at signing, with 1 additional payments due on the 10th day of June.
Example: Club Fees of $359.00 for a player in the Unlimited Doubles program will have a deposit of $229.50 due at signing. The remaining additional payment of $129.50 would be due on June 10th.
Speed Series Beach Volleyball
New in 2019, The OC Beach is planning to offer opportunities to participate in Speed Series beach volleyball. Speed Series is an informal playing format where players simply arrive to play beach volleyball in a fun environment. Members of The OC Beach may participate in Speed Series events free of charge. Other eligible players (below) may also participate for a fee. Stay tuned for further announcements and dates.
​​Speed Series events are open to junior players that are current members of OKRVA/USAV, as well as select adults with ties to The OC (OKRVA membership also required). All Speed Series participants (including adults) must have a current OKRVA membership at time of participation. Junior players must also have a Medical Release form on file with The OC Beach.
2018-19 players on The OC indoor teams (but not registered for The OC Beach in 2019) will receive a discounted rate for Speed Series.
Speed Series Beach Volleyball
Other Info
Participants that are not current USAV/OKRVA members will need to register with OKRVA for the 2019 beach season. A summer membership ($15 or less) should be available.
Click here for first-time registration (i.e., never registered with USAV)
Click here to renew (all previous members)
Participants must also complete and submit a 2018-19 USAV/OKRVA Medical Release Form.
(Note - here's a handy tip......print off 1 copy of form, complete all information EXCEPT signatures. Make multiple copies of document, then players/parents can sign each document as required.)
A few extra items are highly recommended for beach volleyball, as an outdoor sport, there are additional conditions/elements to consider.
Proper attire and equipment to participate
Water or sports drink (ALWAYS hydrate)
Lightweight attire for practices, and layers for less-than-ideal weather situations
Sunglasses, hat, and/or visor
Sunscreen (if needed)
Other items such as a towel, bag chair, bug spray, etc.
Most importantly, a positive attitude, so players are ready to have fun and learn how to play beach volleyball!